mardi 24 septembre 2013

Vidéo sur le corps humain

Visitez le site ci-dessous pour visionner un superbe vidéo sur le corps humain. Merci à la mère de Charlie et Patty pour le lien!

 Vidéo sur le corps humain

Terry Fox Run this Thursday!

Blossom Park's annual Terry Fox run will be taking place this Thursday, September 26! Please remember to raise funds for the Terry Fox Foundation or bring a Toonie for Terry!

lundi 16 septembre 2013

Meet the Teacher!

Meet the teacher will be held this Wednesday, September 18 from 5-6 pm. This event is intended for all parents to come meet their child's teacher and tour his/her classroom. We will also be discussing classroom routines and curriculum expectations for the upcoming year.

Hope to see everyone there!