vendredi 22 novembre 2013

Fundraiser for the Philippines

As part of the grade 5 and 6 social studies curriculum, Mr. Murrell's and Mme Storey's classes have been studying how different levels of government assist during emergency situations. We have closely followed how the Canadian government has offered aid to the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan and we want to do our part. We will be hosting a fundraiser for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan on Thursday, December 5 with all proceeds going to UNICEF. Not only will UNICEF match our donation, the Canadian government will too, which will triple any moneys raised. Please give generously!

mardi 29 octobre 2013

Blossom Park wants to "Scare Away Hunger"

Blossom Park is having a food drive this week. Please donate non perishable food items now until November 1st to scare away hunger!

Together, we can really make a difference!

mardi 24 septembre 2013

Vidéo sur le corps humain

Visitez le site ci-dessous pour visionner un superbe vidéo sur le corps humain. Merci à la mère de Charlie et Patty pour le lien!

 Vidéo sur le corps humain

Terry Fox Run this Thursday!

Blossom Park's annual Terry Fox run will be taking place this Thursday, September 26! Please remember to raise funds for the Terry Fox Foundation or bring a Toonie for Terry!

lundi 16 septembre 2013

Meet the Teacher!

Meet the teacher will be held this Wednesday, September 18 from 5-6 pm. This event is intended for all parents to come meet their child's teacher and tour his/her classroom. We will also be discussing classroom routines and curriculum expectations for the upcoming year.

Hope to see everyone there!

mardi 23 avril 2013

Newsletter Update!

The last newsletter of the year has been posted! Check it out by clicking the link above.

jeudi 4 avril 2013

Math Website for Percents and Fractions

Visit this fun website to practice Percents and Fractions!!  CLICK HERE!


mercredi 3 avril 2013

La lune et ses phases

Visitez les sites ci-dessous pour plus d'information sur la lune!! N'ouliez pas de regarder la lune ce soir! :)

Pour le site sur les phases de la lune cliquez ici

jeudi 10 janvier 2013

Newsletter Update!

Cliquez sur le lien ci-haut pour lire la dernière édition de notre "Newsletter".